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2024 - 2025 Fundraising Campaigns



Over 3 years, our efforts in Kambiti have included delivering nutritious meals, constructing sanitary latrines, and supplying mattresses alongside essential items to the community's elderly, disabled, and young members. With drought looming on the horizon this year, the need for our continued support is more critical than ever. We invite you to lend a hand in sustaining these vital services and necessities for those who rely on us.

Giving Guideline:

  • $ 30 / Month provides - 30 meals to a family of 2
  • $ 30 - 1 mattress and 1 mosquito net 
  • $ 60  - sponsor a youth in our program for one year
    • Uniform
    • Activities
    • Fun Camp Outing
  • $ 85 - Two goats for sustainable development
  • $150 - Home Restoration for the elderly and single parent
  • $ 200 - A 1000 Gallon Water Storage Tank & Gutter System

Although the devastating floods that swept through this region have subsided, their impacts remain deeply felt. It is critical that we address the needs of the residents of City Carton and Jam City informal settlements to forge a path towards recovery and resilience. Our commitment is squarely on enhancing a dynamic youth program and fostering empowerment initiatives for both women and men. We have made great strides but still have work ahead.

Giving Guideline:

  • $ 30 - 1 mattress and 1 mosquito net
  • $ 40 / Month provides rent for a family of 4
  • $55 - sponsor a youth in our program 
    • Uniform
    • Meal during program
    • Activities
  • $100 - Seed capital for empowerment / participant